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Imprenditrici Italiane e Lituane uniscono le forze: firmato Memorandum di Cooperazione Aggiunto 2024-09-27 Il 25 settembre scorso si è tenuto presso l’Ambasciata lituana a Roma un incontro tra imprenditrici italiane, iscritte all’Associazione Italiana Donne e Dirigenti d’Azienda (AIDDA), ed imprenditrici lituane, appartenenti alla Lithuanian International Business Women Network (IBWN), insieme con i professionisti lituani che vivono in Italia, con lo scopo di incoraggiare la collaborazione tra le imprenditrici dei due...
La Lituania mobilita le forze internazionali per la Scuola del futuro per l'Ucraina Aggiunto 2024-09-11 Tale iniziativa non solo sostiene l'istruzione in un momento difficile, ma rafforza anche le relazioni tra l'Italia, la Lituania e altri partner internazionali
La visita a Palermo per rafforzare i legami tra la regione Sicilia e la Lituania Aggiunto 2023-05-21 Con lo scopo di rafforzare i legami tra la Sicila e la Lituania, l’Ambasciatore della Repubblica di Lituania in Italia S.E. Dalia Kreivienė  ha effettuato una visita a Palermo il 19-20 maggio, accompagnata dal Console onorario della Lituania per la Regione Sicilia Avv. Alessandro Palmigiano.
Il 24 marzo inizia il Festival del Cinema «L‘Europa a San Marino, San Marino in Europa», con la proiezione del già simbolico film «Mariupol», diretto dal regista lituano di tragico destino Mantas Kvederavičius Aggiunto 2023-03-25 Il festival è un'opportunità per l'UE e San Marino di approfondire ulteriormente i loro legami culturali e, in occasione del 40° anniversario delle relazioni diplomatiche, di riaffermare l‘impegno a promuovere i valori comuni europei.
Joint Statement of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on the U.S. Framework for the Artificial Intelligence Diffusion Aggiunto 2025-01-17 We are concerned by the U.S. administration’s decision to exclude several countries from Paragraph (a) to Supplement No.5 to Part 740 of the U.S. Framework for the Artificial Intelligence Diffusion.
Aggiunto 2025-01-17 On 17 January, the Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kęstutis Budrys, will open the Snow Meeting 2025, an annual gathering of foreign and security policy experts organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Vilnius. Traditionally held in January since 2008, the Snow Meeting 2025 will be held for the eighteenth this year.
Aggiunto 2025-01-16 On 16 January, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Kęstutis Budrys met with the heads of policy planning departments of NATO and partner countries’ foreign ministries gathered in Vilnius.
Aggiunto 2025-01-15 On 15 January, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Kęstutis Budrys, met with the Ambassador of Israel to Lithuania, Hadas Wittenberg Silverstein.
Aggiunto 2025-01-15 On 15 January, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Kęstutis Budrys, received the Ambassador of Germany to Lithuania, Dr. Cornelius Zimmermann.
Aggiunto 2025-01-14 On 14 January, the head of Lithuania’s diplomacy, Kęstutis Budrys, met with Ambassadors of the EU, NATO and partner countries accredited to Lithuania. During the meeting, the Foreign Minister presented Lithuania’s foreign policy priorities and global security issues to the representatives of the diplomatic corps.
Aggiunto 2025-01-10 On Friday, 10 January, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Kęstutis Budrys, who is paying a working visit to Estonia, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia Margus Tsahkna.
Aggiunto 2025-01-10 On 9 January in Riga, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Kęstutis Budrys, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Baiba Braže.
Aggiunto 2025-01-09 On 9 January Foreign Minister Kęstutis Budrys continues his working visit to Latvia. The head of Lithuanian diplomacy met with Latvian Prime Minister Evika Siliņa.
Aggiunto 2025-01-09 On 9 January, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Kęstutis Budrys, is paying a working visit to Latvia. On Thursday morning, the head of Lithuania’s diplomacy met with the President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs. The Foreign Minister of Lithuania and the President of Latvia discussed the security situation in the region and the Baltic Sea, energy resilience, defence capacity building, and support for...